You’re always very special
And you should know today
That you are wished the nicest things
That life can bring your way
Like warm and loving wishes
And happiness and cheer
And everything you need to start
Another happy year
This brings a wish for all
The best a day and year
Can bring, for someone
Who should always have
The best of everything!
Have a Happy Birthday
And a wonderful year!
Here’s a Birthday greeting
Especially to show
How much you mean
Although you surely must know
That without a doubt
There’s no-one nicer than you
Or anyone dearer
To wish Happy Birthday to
From morning till night
May your birthday be bright
And nicer than ever before……
And as years come and go
May your happiness grow
And your dreams be fulfilled
Even more
Happy Birthday to you!

You're more to me than my sister
You are also my best friend
You're always there for me
For an ear or a shoulder to lend
You're the one to hear of my joys
It's you I go to if I've had a bad day
I love you more than I have words
To express myself or say
Many More Happy Returns of the Day Farah

May Allah shower blessings on you… Many More Happy Returns of the Day Farah...
Love Always Haseem
MaNy MoRe HaPpY ReTuRnS oF D dAy FaRaH :)
happy birthday farhana!
Many Many happy returns of d day farha..May god alwys bless u.
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