This weekend brought a package containing dramas, comedy, and action. I was not really in the mood for the first two, so I settled on a bit of action provided by Jason Statham (Death Race, The Bank Job) in Transporter 3.

In this latest addition to the Transporter series, Frank Martin (Statham) is relaxing in the coast of
Frank is forced, by the American, into taking the job he once turned down, with a deadly stipulation. If Frank or the woman step 75 feet or farther from the car, a bomb on their wrist will detonate. This would not be such a problem, if it were anyone else but Frank. Not willing to be forced into a job in such a manner, Frank sets out to change the rules a bit and find out what he is really transporting and why.
It is hard for me to be truly objective when it comes to this film because I am a huge Jason Statham fan. In my opinion, the man can do no wrong. That remains true in this film. Statham is in top form in terms of acting and physical prowess. The fight and chase scenes are top notch and the character stays true to the roots of the series. Aside from a few less than perfect moments that I choose to blame on the writers, Statham makes this movie.
As is often the case in movies with only one headliner, some of the supporting characters are less than perfect. The girl Frank is traveling with, played by newcomer Natalya Rudakova has little substantiated character development. She starts out quiet, reserved and obsessed with fine cuisine, but after a few hits of ecstasy she is a brand new woman. Granted, Statham’s oiled abs contributed a bit to her transformation, but I didn’t see any other justification for her to warm up to him. Frank didn’t save her life or flirt with her. He just drove.
The American villain, played by Robert Knepper (Hitman, Prison Break), is impressive but slowly loses his “evil” throughout the film until it is hard to see him as a true villain capable of what he is attempting. He even goes as far as to describe himself as a “pacifist”, which is something a villain should never do. Combined, these flaws are not enough to ruin the film. They are just proof that nothing is perfect.

Verdict: If you are looking for a deep story with a lot of dialog, you have other options. But if you want perfectly choreographed fight scenes and high speed car chases, nothing compares to Transporter 3.
Rating: 3 & ½ Stars on 5

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